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January-February 2018 February 11, 2018

Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -, Environment, Modern History.

The days are fleeting past. Dexter and Hannah get to go for their walk on most days.

There were a host of events in late January. Invasion Day came and went, as it does, leaving it unresolved, lingering historical legacies – dispossession and colonialism. It is deeply ironic that the foundation of British, and thus Western Culture and Civiliation and it accompanying crimes in this distant and remote place was founded as a prison. Nothing new, of course. The annual folk festival, which might have been a celebration of nonviolence, or at least Eric Bogle among others turned up. Doubtless, And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda was given a spin. Masculinity, animal violence and wretched commentary was on offer with the Bikes and Bulls show.

Invasion Day serves the useful purpose to remind us that history matters, and it matters to each of us. We cannot escape it, so since we cannot escape it we might do humble best to understand the framing of the modern world,with all the memory and forgetting.

There might be a scientific basis that walking among the trees might be a good thing to do. Dexter and Hannah are more grounded, but it seems that their may be some benefits for humans to get out of atificialy constructed places.

The usual and unusual set of photos of the daily rounds were collected:

(And if you notice, I got a little ahead of myself, it is because I cannot keep up)

To honour the Folk Festival, an American singer singing an Australian song composed by an Irishman may be interesting:

PS: Thank you to TheNaturalCompanion for reminding me of the importance of taking water for the dogs out on our walks. There has been little rain recently, and the creeks has not been running. Dexter and Hannah appreciated the water.


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