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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

. . .Adam cannot too far away! Although we did not go out tonight, Sasha and Dexter have been having their walk most days.

Not being able to talk to another human being, creates the realization that communication can be taken for granted. Communicating with dogs is never taken for granted. I use a process of partial reinforcement to inculcate, at least I hope, the essential commands I wish the talks to understand. Like other individuals they have their own ideas about what is of interest to them. I never think, for example, to smell and hearing, senses which dogs have greater range. I suppose they communicate with me.

I suspect that when empathy is not the default position, violence is a consequence. Let us not underestimate the human capabilities involved in expressions of empathy, which too can be taken for granted, both for other human beings and other life forms, such as dogs.

Here are some photos from the past:


Dire Straits’ song was, I thought, a good reference:

Friday Ark will not be sailing this New Year’s Eve.


The photos are made possible by Picasa (and a camera that once worked).

Happy New Year and best wishes for our planet.


1. Steve - January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

FYI, the Ark did sail yesterday and I boarded Sasha and Dexter this morning.

There may be no sailings in January…maybe on the 28th but that is not for sure yet.


wmmbb - January 2, 2011

Thanks Steve. Enjoy your break.

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