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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

The sun has slipped around for another year passing this mark on the calendar and casting me into a round number. I suppose it something to celebrate, but I am not sure why, other than sheer survival that is not wholly my doing.

On these matters, Sasha and Dexter and their species are far wiser, since (I am guessing) the passing days and years, the past and the future, escapes their consciousness and their vanity. Still each species has it’s unique formation, and for human beings , although they acquired some evolutionary baggage along the way, it seems to be the toolbox packed in the frontal lobes that makes compassion possible is a crucial and distinctive survival feature.

Otherwise, who knows what Sasha and Dexter’s stories might have been. Whatever the alternative might have been, perhaps the present is not the worst case possible. They do not seem more miserable now than about a year ago:

I have decided to throw caution to the wind, and believe the democratic Egyptian revolution will succeed. Maybe the peace train is now turned into the light:


There is a chance that Friday Ark is sailing again.


The photos were made possible by Picasa.


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