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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

“You know, it does make me wonder what is going on.” We seem caught in a replay on the events of last summer, although the details are difference.

I take familiar, even mundane, activities like walking the dogs for granted, but we change and the world around us changes. This summer I am visiting the hospital again, and the prospect is in sight that our patient will be moved to Coledale, although I have to say it was good that finally after 40 days she was out of ICU/HDU.

Sometimes caught up in our familiarity we are not conscious of the processes and forces that underly that change. And then all we have are our memories of what can seem in retrospect to be almost idyllic times. Photos from the past provide the silent rough edges:


Crosby, Stills and Young had the song with the appropriate title and that was enough for me:


Friday Ark is in dry dock again this week, but we shall gather again on board.


The photos were saved by Picasa.


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