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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

Today Sasha and Dexter greeted the person whom they not seen for three months.

She returned for one night and then return to hospital. Sometimes it would be interesting to know what dogs thought.

Otherwise, most days last week they both went out and as always seemed to enjoy the experience, although it was sometimes abbreviated.

Who knows where the time goes? Eva Cassidy sang the song:

Kiri Te Kanawha has a variation of Home Sweet Home, originally composed by Henry Rowley Bishop. The words in Maori were written by “Apirana Ngata wrote these Maori lyrics in about 1912”.

As we did for the past few dog blogs we head over to catch if we can Friday Ark at Modulator and hope to arrive in good time to board.


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1. oorvi - March 23, 2010

Hi Mr. wmmbb,

Is Mrs. wmmbb better now? If she returned home even for a day, she must be better.

Sorry, I couldn’t visit earlier. Mercury’s got so many things on her mind – she’ll always missing out on important things while worrying about the urgent ones.

Sasha and Dexter look good. Around our new place, there are new street-dogs…and I haven’t made friends with any of them yet. Cameo’s story is different – he’s made friends with everydog around – and despite my jealous howling, he feeds them and plays with them.

Thanks for the pictures.

Licks n wags,

2. wmmbb - March 23, 2010

Good to hear from you Oorvi.

I should have left some comments at your place but I am somewhat pre-occupied lately as well – but that is no excuse. Mercury is quite right to concentrate on the urgent matters. Seems like Cameo has got to know the local dogs pretty quickly.

As for Sasha and Dexter, in truth the care they normally receive now is not as good as it was, and that is my responsibility.

Now that Mrs wmmbb is in the rehabilitation hospital she is able to take what they call ‘gate leave’. Her coming home on the weekend was a step forward, but she is not sufficiently recovered from her operations to not go back to hospital. The role of the carer, in this case me, can be quite a difficult one and the good thing about this situation is staff at the hospital are prepared to be supportive, in providing advice and so forth, of not just the patient but also the carer.

So we will see how this all goes.

Thank you for your interest.

3. Oorvi - March 25, 2010

Dear Mr. Wmmbb,

It’s good to know that things are progressing:-) With your care and with the support of the Hospital staff, Mrs. wmmbb should recuperate faster. After an operation, a day at home with your loved ones is worth more than 3 at the hospital.

Don’t worry about not leaving a comment on my blog. I’ve been tardy too…I hope Mercury learns to manage her time better.

Licks n wags,

wmmbb - March 25, 2010

Sasha and Dexter (especially) were very good last week, so we hope this will continue. In fact, the hospital says that they are dog friendly, and suggested we could take them there. I am inclined to be more cautious.

I am sure you are right about the value of spending time at home.

Thanks again Oorvi for your comment.

4. Oorvi - March 26, 2010

Mr. wmmbb,

Forgot to ask…
have you visited Mercury’s blog yet? It’s a caricature blog and you might find some light humor there. (http://shafali.wordpress.com) She thinks that humor helps people in difficult roles:) Don’t worry about Dexter and Sasha – we dogs are highly adaptive…I am sure they appreciate whatever you are doing for them.

I think you should try taking Sasha and Dexter to the hospital, one at a time:) They’ll make Mrs. wmmbb feel better.

Licks n wags,

wmmbb - March 26, 2010

I will get over to Mercury’s place later today I promise Oorvi.

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