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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

I do not remember when it last rained on Christmas Day. The dogs went out earlier in the week and appeared to have enjoyed their walk.

As we walked we thought everything was going well, until the phone call this morning. We now have to believe Susan, my wife, will be safe in Intensive Care and ready for the next operation.

Meanwhile as  we hope for the best outcome,  Eric Clapton sings “Tears in Heaven”.


Time to join Friday Ark at Modulator, with the other dogs and beings before they set sail.


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1. Judith Ellis - December 26, 2009

Wmmbb – It is raining here in Michigan and I assume that it will turn to ice. I have a three-hour drive for Christmas dinner. I should have left last night. Wish me a safe journey.

All the best to whomever is in intensive care. I shall say a prayer.

wmmbb - December 26, 2009

Drive carefully, Judith on those icy roads. I wish you a very safe journey.

Thank you, and I have identified Susan as the person in Intensive Care. I was not thinking clearly.

(Susan is being kept alive by artificial means. I speak to her, and hope she can hear me. She is unable to respond. In effect she would have died, and she is still in a unstable and critical condition. In a sense she has died, and now we are trying to get her back.

I know the photos here do not change much. I tend to follow the same way from day to day and I have to set up the photos. What gnaws at me is the lack of acknowledged and legally enforceable right to “natural” environment. Since this area is an old coal mine, it is a regrown, revegetated environment. Then the much of the land is owned by a major property developer, and of course in our dominant political economic ideology, property developers have pre-eminent rights to maximize profit without regard to social and environmental outcomes.)

2. Judith Ellis - December 27, 2009

Oh, wmmbb, I am so very sorry about the condition of your wife. I have done what I believe in and said a prayer for both her and you. I have not visited your blog in a while and I did not know of both of your illnesses. Do forgive me. But please know that I am praying and thinking of you both and wishing you full recoveries. Do email me judedellis@gmail.com and let me know how I can help. Please leave me your address. I have tried to find your email address here but without success. Looking forward to hearing from you. You and your wife are in my heart and prayers. Know this. And, yes, our names will be known in heaven. 🙂

wmmbb - December 27, 2009

Thank you very much Judith.

I will send you an email., but give me some time.

All the best. I hope you had a happy Christmas.

3. oorvi - December 29, 2009

Mr. Wmmbb,

I am sorry to hear about your wife’s health. I shall keep my paws crossed and pray for a quick and complete recovery for both of you. Though we haven’t met, but you are among my dearest friends. May the new year bring health to you family.


wmmbb - December 29, 2009

Otherwise than it was lightly raining at the time, it was fine by me. Dexter tends to complain about getting wet, but usually Sasha does not mind.

Please convey my best wishes to everybody for a safe, happy, prosperous New Year.

Thanks Oorvi.

4. Col - January 11, 2010

I am so so sorry to hear that your wife is so ill. Being an intensive care nurse I understand some of what you and your wife are living with. All I can say to you is… try to keep the faith and try to take it one day at a time. I have seen many miracles and am sending prayers your way. You are both in my thoughts.

wmmbb - January 11, 2010

Thank you very much Colleen.

I know that you mentioned you worked in ICU, but I had not been aware of what that involved. I have a better idea now.

Susan had to be re-operated on, since her bowel resection sprung some leaks, so we have gone backwards and there is ground to recover while continuing to hope she can get through her ordeal.

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