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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

The weather is a source of continual interest. Now we can read the weather forecast but in earlier times people looked to the nature’s signs.

There is an old saying that sticks in memory:

Red sky at night, shepherds delight.
Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning.

I not sure if this is true here or not. All I know is that we heavy rain aplenty during the week, and it seems colder than past years.

We had red skies:

The usual suspects  were rounded up. There were no objections:

The usual spots were thoroughly checked:

We were lucky not much was happening in the street:
Our friend Peebles kept a low profile but barked at our presence:
The horses kept their coats on:

The important signs for the dogs seem to be on the ground or in the air:

Bob Dylan has the song for the occasion:

These work arounds are never the best option, but going to You Tube we get there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbQOzoyLjeE

As last week, and before the weeks before last week, we will now head to Friday Ark, at Modulator, to say hello.


1. Norwood & Debi - June 20, 2009

That looks like a fabulous hike. I like the last series of photos the best


2. wmmbb - June 20, 2009

I tend to agree with you Norwood.

The final outcome happens and is not really foreseen, at least by me, in the process.

I find the collages look differently when they are enlarged by clicking on them.

As for the hike aspects, I think I spend almost as much time sitting down as walking.

Thanks for your interest.

3. oorvi - June 25, 2009

A fresh eye…that’s what I saw in those pictures:) It’s funny to see horses wearing jackets…its funny how we all look so gentlemanly or ladylike in winters:)

Mercury can sleep through an earthquake, I assure you:) And you are right, she’s lucky to have Cameo and Oorvi around to take care of her:)

Licks n wags,

4. wmmbb - June 26, 2009

I am sure both Sasha and Dexter appreciate your description. Sasha, of course is ladylike, but I don’t know about Dexter’s gentlemanly qualities.

Both of you are doing a good job with Mercury. Keep up the good work.

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