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Posted by wmmbb in DOG BLOG -.

The loyalty of dogs to their human companions is legendary.

Alex Goodenough notes for example:

They have dogged devotion day by day, at any time or place, no matter what the situation or circumstance. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus’s doughty old dog, Argos, waited for his master’s return from the Trojan War, refusing to take his last breath without seeing him one last time. After his return, Odysseus still had to solve many problems in order to regain his kingdom. He always had not only his dog, but also his family and friends supporting him, and all their help assisted him in overcoming the suitors.

Dogs also repose trust in humans, wholly engaged, as other animals, in the moment, often looking upon the world with their bright eyes. We have a greater capacity to anticipate tragedy, which deepens the bond.

Cooper only when out with us once this week. Otherwise, Sasha and Dexter, resumed their rambles, and the experience was apparently not less enjoyable than the other times.


The eyes have it, as Sasha and Dexter prepare to move on:

And with Dexter(of course):

The same was true for Cooper:

As you might have quested there is a video. I think animation accompanying Art Garfungel is well done:

As somebody said recently sometimes the sky darkens and you think the rain will never stop:

Older persons, who tend to apprehend danger, might be content to sit on barren rocks, the young seek risk and adventure. Apparently Uncle Joe was afraid to cut the cake. Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band have the story:

Sometimes the sun shines with smiles all around:

The trail has its variety of twists and turns:

The collage and other photos can be expanded with a double click.

We seek to catch Friday Ark at Modulator before time and tide that waits for no man, or even a couple of dogs.


1. Judith Ellis - December 20, 2008

Nice, wmmbb. Thank you.

2. wmmbb - December 21, 2008

Thanks Judith.

The animation and the song seem to fit so well, and I hope the photos also work together.

3. Judith Ellis - December 21, 2008


4. wmmbb - December 21, 2008

When I mentioned I had found the clip from Watership Down, it was suggested might be too sad. There is more to the story.

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