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Posted by wmmbb in Category to be ascribed.

America it seems is divided between those who have wealth, with many born on the home plate, and the poor.

The Economic Apartheid (via Common Dreams) is the dream of the Howard Administration, and motivates the nightmare that will be the new poor laws, with considerable suffering for those affected. If these figures are an accurate reflection, toss in falling median incomes and growing incomes for the rich, they represent the market at work.

My guess is that government is always shaper of market outcomes, acknowledged or denied, intended or unintended. Governments are such economic players, and I suppose if scale is the factor, so too must be the largest corporations, to resonate with popularism, that they can never be ignored. However, this is purely speculation on my part; I am not offering evidence.

It is not honourable that the trust of the electorate is abused by our political leaders, and our elected representatives, but it is what we should expect.


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