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Posted by wmmbb in Category to be ascribed.
Twelve months ago today I set out on this journey, and I find myself today kicking my foot against the milestone.

The graph represents the visits by month, taken from Site Meter. The actual figures are unreliable and invalid but they do give a pattern over a twelve month period. On present indications July looks like it may be the lowest month ever. The peak of visitors was related to the tsunami.

The apples may mean something or nothing, but I think (maybe that is all I have to please here) that they good look. Currently the apples are measuring 1247 “hits” more than Site Meter, even though I added them months after.

During the past twelve months I have lodged 418 posts. A little bit more than one a day. If you are interested here is the first post. I do not know how to organize the posts into categories. So I am trying now, starting with the post below, not to always make a comment for the moment, which means that I often do not recognize later what I have written, but follow a story over a period of time, and be thereby be more alert to how it develops

That will engage me. It is my belief that good blog writing engages the reader, who I think you have to imagine disagrees with all your assumptions, but remains interested enough to keep reading. I try to write like that, but I think it is beyond my skill, nevertheless not beyond others.


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